Law: Law on Personal Data Protection No. 787 of 21 March 2012 (only available in Spanish here) (the Law) and Regulation of Law No. 787, Decree No. 36-2012 of 17 October 2012 (only available in Spanish here) (the Regulation)

Regulator: The Nicaraguan data protection authority (DIPRODAP) (not yet established)

Summary: The Law on Personal Data Protection No. 787 of 21 March 2012 (only available in Spanish here) (the Law) was published in the Official Gazette on March 29, 2012, and Regulation of Law No. 787, Decree No. 36-2012 of 17 October 2012 (only available in Spanish here) (the Regulation) was published on October 17, 2012. The purpose of the Law is to protect personal information filed or stored in public and/or private records.

Prior to the establishment of the Law and the Regulation, there was only a general constitutional provision establishing that all individuals are entitled to privacy.

The Law and the Regulation provided for the creation of a data protection authority within the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit: the Nicaraguan data protection authority (DIPRODAP). DIPRODAP will be the regulatory entity in charge of the registration of data files, as well as the entity controlling the correct application of the Law. However, it has not yet been appointed.


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