Law: Please note this State does not have a general privacy law in effect, you can visit our US State Law Tracker to monitor the progress of US State bills.

Regulator: The Hawaii Attorney General ('AG')

Summary: The Hawaii State Constitution expressly recognizes the right to privacy. Notably, under the Hawaii Penal Code invasion of privacy is a criminal offense, though these provisions are more akin to the tort of invasions of privacy than more modern privacy protections.

Similar to other US states, Hawaii establishes requirements associated with breach notification to residents in §487N-1 et seq. of the Hawaii Revised Statutes.

Further, the Hawaii Insurance Code imposes certain requirements relating to privacy practices on licensed insurers, producers, or other licensees. In the health sector, §622-57 of Chapter 622 of Title 33 of the Hawaii Revised Statutes protects medical records and the right to privacy.

You can follow legislative developments in the US through the USA State Law Tracker.


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