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Israel: Forthcoming changes to the Israeli privacy landscape in 2022

February 23, 2022

Israel is poised for significant privacy reforms in 2022, with the Protection of Privacy Bill (Amendment No. 14), 2022 enhancing the Protection of Privacy Authority's enforcement powers, including the ability to impose substantial fines. The bill also mandates internal privacy supervisors for security and enforcement agencies, revises database registration requirements, and introduces more data subject rights akin to the GDPR. Additionally, privacy violations will be explicitly recognized as a cause for class actions, and the new PPA head, Adv. Gilad Smama, is expected to focus on enforcement. Despite not requiring a data protection officer by law, new PPA guidelines recommend their appointment, outlining their roles and responsibilities.

A substantial increase in enforcement powers Published by the Israeli Government on 5 January 2022, the Protection of Privacy Bill (Amendment No. 14), 2022 (Bill No. 14)1 ('Bill No. 14') presents material changes to the Protection of Privacy Law, 19812 ('PPL'). Bill No. 14 is comprised of two previously proposed bills and includes new additions on a number of topics. At the core of Bill No. 14 is a substantial enhancement of the Protection of Privacy Authority's ('PPA') supervision and enforcement powers. Under Bill No. 14, the PPA will have the authority to impose fines of up to ILS 3,200,000 (approx. €875,280) and additionally ILS 64,000 (approx. €17,510) per day for continuous or repetiti


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