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UK: ICO launches consultation on fourth chapter of updated guidance on anonymisation, pseudonymisation, and PET

March 8, 2022

The UK's Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) initiated a consultation on the fourth chapter of its draft guidance on anonymisation, pseudonymisation, and privacy enhancing technologies (PET), focusing on accountability and governance. This chapter discusses the necessary measures for effective anonymisation, including the establishment of governance structures, the appointment of senior members to manage the process, and the collaboration with other organizations. It also addresses the need for Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA) in certain situations and strategies to mitigate re-identification risks, especially post-security incidents.

The Information Commissioner's Office ('ICO') launched, on 7 March 2022, a consultation on the fourth chapter of its draft guidance on anonymisation, pseudonymisation, and privacy enhancing technologies ('PET'), titled 'Chapter 4: Accountability and governance'. In particular, the draft chapter, which follows the publication of the third chapter in February 2022, outlines what accountability and governance measures are needed for anonymisation, expanding on, among other things, who should be responsible for the anonymisation process, in what situations it is necessary to conduct a Data Protection Impact Assessment ('DPIA'), and how to mitigate re-identification risks following a security inc


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