The Data Protection Act, 2021, which governs the processing of personal data for commercial transactions in the British Virgin Islands, was enacted on 13 April 2021. It applies to entities processing personal data within the Virgin Islands or using equipment there for processing, and outlines principles like notice, choice, and security, while establishing data subject rights. The Act also creates the Office of the Information Commissioner to oversee compliance and has provisions that will come into force on dates specified by the Minister in the Gazette.
The British Virgin Islands enacted the Data Protection Act, 2021, detailing data processing rules and rights.
The Data Protection Act, 2021 was enacted, on 13 April 2021, in the Official Gazette. In particular, the Act applies to a person who processes or who has control over, or authorises, the processing of any personal data in respect of commercial transactions, and also applies to a person in respect of personal data if: the person is established in the Virgin Islands and processes personal data, or employs or engages any other person to process personal data on their behalf, whether or not in the context of that establishment; or the person is not established in the Virgin Islands, but uses equipment in the Virgin Islands for processing personal data otherwise than for the purposes of transit