Law: Please note this State does not have a general privacy law in effect, you can visit USA State Law Tracker to monitor the progress of US State bills.

Regulator: The Oklahoma Attorney General ('AG')

Summary: Although there is no comprehensive privacy law in Oklahoma, the Oklahoma Constitution contains a Right to Privacy clause.

Oklahoma legislation includes the Financial Privacy Act under §§ 2201 – 2208 of Title 6 of the Oklahoma Statutes which provides that financial institutions are prohibited from giving, releasing, or disclosing any financial records to a government authority without either the written consent of the customer or being served with a subpoena.

Other privacy-related legislation includes the Oklahoma Telemarketer Restriction Act which provides the State's ‘Do Not Call List,’ prohibiting telemarketers from contacting Oklahomans on the list.

In addition, there is a requirement to notify data breaches pursuant to the Security Breach Notification Act under §24-161 et seq. of Title 24 Chapter 8 of the Oklahoma Statutes.

You can follow legislative developments in the US through the USA State Law Tracker.


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