Law: Please note this State does not have a general privacy law in effect, you can visit >USA State Law Tracker to monitor the progress of US State bills.
Regulator: The Illinois Attorney General
Summary: Although there is no comprehensive privacy law in Illinois, there is a right to privacy under the Constitution of the State of Illinois. The Biometric Information Privacy Act of 2008 (BIPA) is, however, the most notable privacy-related statute in Illinois. BIPA prohibits the collection of biometric identifiers or information unless certain conditions apply. BIPA also includes a private right of action, which has been used extensively against private entities in individual cases as well as class actions.
According to the Personal Information Protection Act of 2004, there is a requirement to notify personal data breaches to the Illinois Attorney General (AG) and to any Illinois residents whose information has been breached.
Other key privacy laws in Illinois include the Right to Privacy in the Workplace Act, the Electronic Mail Act, and the Illinois Banking Act. You can follow legislative developments in Illinois through the US State Law Tracker.
You can follow legislative developments in the US through the USA State Law Tracker.
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