Law: Thuringian Data Protection and Implementation Act (ThürDSAnpUG-EU) of 6 June 2018 (only available in German here)

Regulator: Thuringian data protection authority (TLfDI)

Summary: The Thuringian Data Protection and Implementation Act of June 6, 2018 (only available in German here) (ThürDSAnpUG-EU) implemented the GDPR.

The ThürDSAnpUG-EU provides for derogations from the GDPR and the data protection requirements within Thuringia. The ThürDSAnpUG-EU is relatively extensive as compared to the other State-level data protection laws in Germany. It addresses similar topics, such as limitations on data subject rights, data transfers, and special processing purposes, but tends to do so in slightly more detail. The Thuringian data protection authority (TLfDI) has released guidance on broad topics such as data protection in the employment context and on narrower concerns such as data protection and motor vehicles.


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